Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I love my MacBook

Last year for my birthday I got myself a brand new MacBook... It was long over due - my old iBook that I brought second hand over 4 years ago had died. One day it worked - the next day it had beautiful colourful lines all over the front of it & it wouldn't do anything. I thought to myself maybe I had just woke it up before it wanted to be used & it needs a little more sleep. So I left it an hour and came back... And it woke up a little - then had the beautiful colourful screen again - and then died. It really gave up on me... Now while I was a little upset I knew that I would get myself a brand new computer. But the thing out of all this that concerned me more was the fact that I had a hell of a lot of music on my computer & I hadnt backed any of it up. 

So the next week I went and brought my brad new MacBook & ended up taking my old iBook & new MacBook to the genius bar at the Apple Store on George Street Sydney. And the young guy their helped me out - he transfered everything I needed from one computer to the next by the touch of a few buttons. 

Now as it turned out my old iBook died because it was one of the first ones that Apple had brought out. So it was old - remember I purchased it second hand. And old things some times need to be upgraded. Usually upgrading things wouldn't bother me - I would be happy with anything really - and I take care of everything I receive. But I was happy to upgrade my computer. I love the fact that I have a brand new one! 

If anyone is thinking about getting one - I recommend that you go out and do so. You just wont be disappointed at all... And if your living in a capital city - like Sydney. They have apple stores to help with any needs that you might have. 

I'm a mac lover through and through. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My 2009 ahead

2009 has taken a turn in a make or break type of sense for me. I have set myself goals that I was to fulfill in my life - and it seems that 2009 is going to be the year to do it. 
First and foremost on my list is that I want to head overseas... I want to move to the UK to begin with - and travel around Europe & experience everything that this world has to offer. I don't think London is my main place of choice - but I think it would be a great starting point. Paris is really where I want to go - and Paris is where I would like to see myself starting a life. A life even if it is for a few years. But Paris is where I'm setting my heights. 

So I'm looking into Visa's - Im saving my money & trying to get everything sorted out. This goal I seem to have set myself isn't something that I want to shy away from... Its something that I want to achieve and do - and If i don't I think I'll be letting myself down. 

Second of all I want to get back into my fitness. While 2008 paved the way for this goal - I want to keep up with it and make sure its a part of my life so I will keep up with this until I'm old and grey. As I'm getting older health and fitness seem to mean a hell of a lot more to me. I dont want to be over weight - I don't want my health to diminish  - And i want to have a long life... And I think life is too short to be tied down by ill health. 

These 2 things in my life at the moment may not mean a lot to others - but to me its my life at the moment.... And that's what I want from my life. I want to travel and see the world - and I want to be fit and healthy. These are my 2 major new years resolutions & I'm doing everything in my power to make sure that these things happen. 


Things didn't go to plan...

So I wrestled with my butterflies and trotted off to my date on the weekend... I took the plunge and put myself out their. And an array of different things happened that night - that Im not all that proud of. First of all when I seen the guy - I did remember who he was... Thank goodness the fog from the alcohol had worn off & I remembered... Second of all I actually liked his friend - and was wanting his friend to call me! So even thought I knew in that first instance when we met up that it would go no further from here... I still went along for the "date". I was thinking at the back of my mind that you can never have enough friends... 

As it turned out you can have enough friends - and perhaps you don't need to build them up in a hurry. So everything was going fine - and it was nice to chat to a stranger... It was a little difficult in parts - but I got out of things I thought pretty ok. The beers kept flowing - and I was actually having a great time out... But not wanting anything more then a chat with my so called "date". 

And then the unthinkable happened after so many hours and too many beers - and I was a girl that hadn't had any food all day long! A hot guy ordered a drink at the bar next to me.... And my train of thought - and my good girl antics were out the window. Hell! This guy that was at the bar reminded me of someone that I knew many many years ago - and someone that I actually miss a lot at the moment. The alcohol took on over and I let my guard down and actually didn't want to be with my date any more - and my eyes and mind were wondering. 

The end of the night concluded with my date leaving and us both having the wrong impression of one another. While I wasn't just the wrong person their that evening - he wasn't the best either... Once again I knew it wasn't really going to work out... But I had nothing better to do & I haven't dated in a while. 

The other guy that I did happen to meet - the guy that reminded me of something that I miss has my number - but is still yet to call. 

I learnt a lot about myself that night - firstly I need to learn a good enough line to leave a date when I've had enough... Instead of sticking around and waiting for him to leave because I don't want to be so rude. Second of all I'm giving my number out to guys that I actually like - and guys that I would actually like to go on a date with... Instead of guys that I know I don't really like. 

But the most important rude I've taken from this - is if I'm going out drinking - I need to eat at least one meal throughout the day! I felt like shit the next day!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Dating Game...

Why is it when we're drunk and at a random place we end up building the confidence to do things that we usually wouldn't do... Such as for me - giving a random guy my phone number. I was at an event on the weekend - not really looking that fantastic - having red wine all down the front of me... And I ended up getting talking to a guy - brief moment and gave him my number! And now I'm going out on a date on the weekend. 
One of the things I'm a little nervous about is the fact that I don't really remember what he looks like. I was drunk & we were only talking for a brief moment - and for some reason I was really confident. Trust me that isn't usually like myself. 

So a little background information on me and my dating history is I haven't dated since my ex... that was well over 12 months ago. I hate dating because I find that I get really nervous. But apart from that I actually don't find it easy to let people into my life... I don't trust - and am always on guard. I don't have a lot of confidence when it comes to dating. But on the other hand when you know the other person is really into you - I seem to always know. Looking back at past relationships I knew on the first date that they really liked me. Hard to put my finger on how I know - but i just do. 

I don't have high hopes for this date to be honest - and that's not because I'm playing it down at all... But its just because I don't have the feeling. That feeling that I overly like him... Maybe its because its a blind date - or maybe its because I've been on my own for such a long time now that I'm used to being on my own and know Im ok on my own. Letting someone else into my world now in that kind of way will take a lot - and I'm guessing I would have to really like them. 

Saturday is coming up faster then I thought - no doubt I'll write about it. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Being Lazy...

As it turns out December ended up being a rather busy month for me to keep up to date with my blog... Well my new blog anyway - as I decided that I didn't like some of the followers of my previous. Back to December - as a little recap - It turned out to go a hell of a lot faster then I could have even though! Before I even knew it I was on my flight heading home for a couple of weeks to catch up with the family. With having to keep up with my work, worrying about my family and health issues, with me being unwell, me blowing off work one day and heading to the pub with someone else from work & then getting into trouble for it... The only one getting into trouble for it. Then christmas was here and catching up with people from home, family, friends and more drinking. Once that was all over and done with I was on another flight heading back here to Sydney where I could spend New Years down in Bondi with how ever many thousand friends getting drunk and dancing around - and only really wanting to spend it with my close few that I actually went with. As a little insight into my New Years - I actually missed the main act of the evening - the most important reason of why I brought my ShoreThing ticket in the first place... The Presets - And I missed them... Due to too much alcohol & feeling a little too old for the crowd - I left. With friends that were drunker then me. And what really shocks me more then anything is how normal my new years was - it wasn't out of the ordinary - and it wasn't anything that ended up being over the top. I got home at some stupid hour and couldn't sleep and ended up watching the American Morning Show. How dull. 

So as you can see December was actually full on and I'm home now and I've decided that its about time that I maintain my blog. And get the outlet that I was actually looking for. And as part of my new years resolution I thought it might help me put different aspects of my lift into real perspective. 

I happen to be one of those people that is overly emotional and extremely sensitive at times. Most of the time I can be normal - or what i think is normal - and don't let things effect me. But at the moment tiny things are effecting me - and I thought being away for just over 2 weeks would help stable things out a little & make me think actually things are all fine & I would go back to not being overly emotional or extremely sensitive. But the time away still didn't work... So something this year has to change... And at this point - 12 days into January Im just not sure what that change is going to be.