Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Being Lazy...

As it turns out December ended up being a rather busy month for me to keep up to date with my blog... Well my new blog anyway - as I decided that I didn't like some of the followers of my previous. Back to December - as a little recap - It turned out to go a hell of a lot faster then I could have even though! Before I even knew it I was on my flight heading home for a couple of weeks to catch up with the family. With having to keep up with my work, worrying about my family and health issues, with me being unwell, me blowing off work one day and heading to the pub with someone else from work & then getting into trouble for it... The only one getting into trouble for it. Then christmas was here and catching up with people from home, family, friends and more drinking. Once that was all over and done with I was on another flight heading back here to Sydney where I could spend New Years down in Bondi with how ever many thousand friends getting drunk and dancing around - and only really wanting to spend it with my close few that I actually went with. As a little insight into my New Years - I actually missed the main act of the evening - the most important reason of why I brought my ShoreThing ticket in the first place... The Presets - And I missed them... Due to too much alcohol & feeling a little too old for the crowd - I left. With friends that were drunker then me. And what really shocks me more then anything is how normal my new years was - it wasn't out of the ordinary - and it wasn't anything that ended up being over the top. I got home at some stupid hour and couldn't sleep and ended up watching the American Morning Show. How dull. 

So as you can see December was actually full on and I'm home now and I've decided that its about time that I maintain my blog. And get the outlet that I was actually looking for. And as part of my new years resolution I thought it might help me put different aspects of my lift into real perspective. 

I happen to be one of those people that is overly emotional and extremely sensitive at times. Most of the time I can be normal - or what i think is normal - and don't let things effect me. But at the moment tiny things are effecting me - and I thought being away for just over 2 weeks would help stable things out a little & make me think actually things are all fine & I would go back to not being overly emotional or extremely sensitive. But the time away still didn't work... So something this year has to change... And at this point - 12 days into January Im just not sure what that change is going to be. 


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