Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To Mentor or Not to Mentor?

Some people inspire & change us in a great way... And make us see the potential to who we want to strive to be. I've never looked at having a mentor before - or really could see the need for them. But when I had a friend around last night & she was talking about how the CEO of her company was going to become her mentor (if she could ask) that she thought it would be a great way for her to grow. 

Today I had lunch with my current boss & my previous boss. And I was sitting at the table looking at both these woman & it was very clear. Like a puzzle fitting all together. When I originally joined the company that I'm working with at the moment - the person hiring me I clicked with extremely well... We got along fantastic - i felt she was a calming person - reasonable & one of the most level headed people I've ever met. Her personality and working style worked extremely well with me - and I thrived in my job. My new boss is very different to this - and I see that I'm not enjoying the role that I once had... I'm guessing because I did look at my previous boss as a mentor. And my new I dont see as a mentor what so ever. Which makes leaving my job at the end of the year a hell of a lot easier. 

I've never seen the need for a mentor - I guess I've never been with a company that has ever pushed for it. BUt after talking to my friend last night and seeing how her company is very employee focused & how they are wanting their workers to thrive within the company; its a lot different to the ones that I have worked for. 
I can see the benefit with a mentor & someone that you respect & someone that is willing to teach you things. I see the benefit of having someone take you under their wing and that are wanting to improve a business. I have no doubt that the pressure is still there for those people - and its a high pressured environment. 

I wish that I worked longer with my previous boss - I learnt a lot about myself & a lot about the job that I want. But the funny thing about people you respect is that they stay in your life even when you don't necessarily work together. I catch up with my previous boss a lot - coffee or lunch - email or phone calls. I think its nice - and I hope that I can be the same for someone else one day. 


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