Saturday, November 29, 2008

My music addiction / obsession

There could be worse things to be addicted too I know... Drugs, Alcohol, unusual sex and all the rest! But one of my biggest addictions is my Music. Its the strangest thing and I don't actually know how to explain it most of the time... But this some times turns into one hell of an obsession. 

My top bands end up announcing they are releasing a new album.. I have to be the first to go get it. I down load it right away onto my ipod and listen to it for the day. And i go for a walk and i just listen and listen and compare (if there is anything to compare it too) previous albums or like minded bands. Recently for example I did this... The Killers brought out a new album - Day & Age. I was excited and woke up early on the saturday to go purchase -downloaded it that morning and then walked to go get my coffee (to the other end of town mind you) so I could listen to the album over and over. Its sad to admit and announce that I was slightly disappointed in what I was hearing. I couldn't believe it... I just wanted something on the same line of the first album - or the previous one they brought out which was a computation of what they do at some of their concerts. Any whoooo slightly disappointed but with saying that I would never trade it and I listen to it. But just doesn't give me the same effect when I listen to the Kings of Leon. But the Kings of Leon I'll leave for another post. While love doesn't actually come close to the feelings I have for them... Its another obsession that I can write all night about. 

I like that I have a music addiction though - And i think that it comes from growing up in a house hold that constantly listens to music. My parents used to blast music when they were cooking or cleaning or of course having friends around. And now myself and my brothers do the same. I like my addiction and the strange thing is you could compare me with a junkie because I'll search day and night for the perfect cd at times... The one that will give you that extra little beat in your step when your out walking... The one that if you hear a certain song at the pub just makes you want to get up and dance. Music has a calming effect where it can often enough take away the every day anxiety from the hectic life that I often lead. 


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