Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Coming to an end!

As the year is coming to an end it makes you think about the year that has been... The ups and the downs and the year that is lying ahead. The changes that I'm wanting to make and the changes that have already happened. With the final month of 2008 I'm making my new years resolutions and checking them twice to make sure I can (for once) up hold them. 

As a start I'm wanting to keep with my fitness routine. I started it around this time last year and I want to keep going with it. Its more upholding then starting. But of late I have let it go by the waist side. 

More will be reveiled by the time new years comes. But that's the first! 

The end of the year always make me turn around and reflect on the year that's been... The good and the bad and the highs and the lows. Its been a turning point for me especially. I went through a rough time coming around my birthday - for the first time ever I didn't actually want to celebrate it and I was so disapointed that I hadn't done a lot of the things that I wanted too. Then the great things of being so much more independent and knowing that I can rely on myself and that all I need are my friends around me. I'm restrictive and fussy with the people that I let into my life & I'm more careful with what I do infront of people. Money on the other hand seems to be spent so easily & debts end up wracking up before I even know it... Bills always need to be paid & I have such trouble saying no to myself.
But I think the most important thing for me this year is discovering what I want out of my life and where I want to take it forward. Being a better person and all that yadda yadda yadda. 

A month to go and a month to reflect on what new years resolutions I'm going to keep and which ones I'll break in the new year. 


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